My little girl is growing up so fast, I can't believe she is already 9 months old, and only 3 months short of a year. Yeah, that's gonna go fast and be over before I know it. Celeste is a very social, happy, and active baby. She is crawling and pulling herself up on furniture, cruising like crazy and can stand on her own pretty confidently. She hasn't tried walking so much yet. If you leave her standing in the middle of a room, she will lower herself to the ground pretty fast. She has tried to step a couple of times and fallen, so I think she is happy just to crawl for now. Which is perfectly fine with me. She is completely obsessed with her brother, anywhere he goes, she has to be. She almost follows him around more than she follows me. She loves to take baths, so one day I finally put her in the bath with her brother. I was a little nervous, cause he is a bit crazy in there, but he actually was pretty gentle while she was in. She loved it. I had to take a picture cause who doesn't have a picture in the bathtub with their sibling? Oh wait, I don't. But that's okay, it was fun anyway.
They were both in this box right before I took this picture, but of course she got out before I could get the camera.
Beautiful girl. I just love her eyes and cheeks and chin. Okay, I love everything about her.
Had to include this one of his cheesy grin. He turned 3 1/2 almost exactly the same time as she turned 9 months.
Brother hogging the camera, but I love the devoted look on her face.
Completely covering her up. This is pretty normal for him. He's a total camera hog.